Supporting 230 Field Ministers across 44 Texas State Prisons

Field Ministry Support

Field Minister:

A Field Minister is a dedicated individuals who, despite facing long sentences themselves, have chosen a path of service and transformation. These remarkable men and women, equipped with specialized bachelor’s degrees, are sent as missionaries across various prison units to address the spiritual and social needs within the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) inmate population.

Why Supporting Field Ministers Matters

Field Ministers invest their time and energy into uplifting and guiding other inmates, fostering an environment of hope and positive change from within. However, their selfless work comes at a cost. Without proper support and care, they risk burnout, which can diminish their ability to serve effectively.

TPO provides continuous support to Field Minister teams in the TDCJ by:

  • Continuing discipleship and mentorship

  • Biblical Counseling training and resources

  • portable audio and visual equipment

  • Office and class supplies

  • Other resources requested by the unit chaplain or Rehabilitation Program Division of TDCJ

The Ripple Effect of Your Support

By backing Field Ministers, you're not just supporting the Field Ministers; you're amplifying their capacity to make a difference. The more we equip and care for them, the greater their impact on the lives of many, creating a cycle of support and transformation that reaches far beyond the individual.

Your involvement can help sustain this cycle of positive change, empowering those who have dedicated themselves to serving others amidst their own challenges. Together, we can ensure that the light of faith and hope never dims within the walls of TDCJ.

Be The Change. Support Field Ministers.

Your generosity fuels hope, transformation, and redemption. Join us in supporting the heart of change within the TDCJ.

  • S U P P O R T

    Every contribution strengthens our ability to provide ongoing support to Field Ministers, ensuring they have the resources and care needed to continue their invaluable work.

  • S E R V E

    Lend your time and talents to support the backbone of our ministry, helping to nurture a community of faith and healing.