Prison Staff Outreach Ministry & Evangelism


Empowering the Gatekeepers

In the heart of Texas, the Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) staff stand as unwavering guardians, tasked with the immense responsibility of maintaining our state's safety and order. Recognizing the weight of this duty, Texas Prison Outreach (TPO) has established the Staff Outreach Ministry and Evangelism (S.O.M.E.) program, a beacon of support and appreciation for these vital members of our community.

Why Support for TDCJ Staff is Crucial

The job of TDCJ staff is fraught with challenges—physical, emotional, and spiritual. Day in and day out, they provide stability and security, often underappreciated and unseen by the wider public. By supporting S.O.M.E., we acknowledge their sacrifice and offer a foundation of care and encouragement, essential for their well-being and effectiveness.

Join Us.

Be the change that uplifts and strengthens the guardians of Texas.

The Impact of Your Support

Staff appreciation events and continuous encouragement through counseling are more than gestures of gratitude; they're vital tools that empower TDCJ staff to perform their roles with renewed strength, resilience, and heart. When we invest in the well-being of these individuals, we contribute to a safer, more compassionate Texas.

Your involvement offers a lifeline of support to those on the front lines of justice, helping them feel seen, valued, and empowered. In doing so, you become a crucial partner in our state's safety, transforming appreciation into action.

How You Can Help

  • S U P P O R T

    Your generosity enables us to host more staff appreciation events and expand our counseling services, directly impacting the lives of those who keep us safe.

  • S E R V E

    Offer your time and talents to help organize events or provide support, making a tangible difference in the lives of TDCJ staff.